Database of Etna’s historical eruptions - Table 1
Eruptions from 6th century BC to XVI century AD recognised in the geological and historical records (updated from Branca et al., 2011).
Date or age from: (#) Del Carlo et al. (2004); (*) Guidoboni et al. (2014); (**) Branca and Vigliotti (2015); (°) Branca et al. (2015); (^) Tanguy et al. (2012); (§) Speranza et al. (2006); (§§) Magli et al. (2024).
For 122 BC eruption (***): Coltelli et al. (1998), Bisson and Del Carlo (2013) and Micallef et al. (2016).
The acronyms in brackets in the first column are from Branca et al. (2011) geological map.
Date or age
Fissure location and description
Description of the products
19 Sept.-?*
SE flank - Buried
The lava flow is buried.
1 Nov.-?*
N flank
Three segments, oriented from NE-SW to NNE-SSW, formed by spatter ramparts located at 1250-1350 m, 1370-1400 m and 1950-2000 m a.s.l.
The eruptive fissures produced several small lava flows north-eastward. From the 1250-1350 vent a 5 km long lava flow reached an elevation of 570 m at “Jannazzo” locality close to the Alcantara River.
10-22 May*
S flank
Several segments oriented NNE-SSW from 1780 to 1840 m a.s.l. formed by spatter ramparts and small scoria cones
The lava flow southward reached an elevation of 450 m destroying many houses of Nicolosi and Monpilieri. A collapse of the summit crater produced ash fall in south-eastern Sicily and north-eastward to Calabria at the end of eruption.
23 March-10 or 15 April*
S flank
Eruptive fissure, NNE-SSW oriented, formed by spatter ramparts located between 1550 m and 1410 m a.s.l.
Different lava flows south and south-westward reached an elevation of 960 m close to Ragalna. During the eruption ash fall occurred along the eastern flank up to Calabria and falling bombs killed one person close to the vents. The formation of a lahar was reported in the sources.
Summit Crater
Lava flows from the summit crater.
1453 or 54?*
Summit Crater
Explosive event that caused pyroclastic fallout in NE Sicily and in Calabria.
21 Sept.*
Summit Crater
Lava flows from the summit crater.
25 Sept.-?*
E flank - buried
The lava flow is located at the Valle del Bove mouth close to Zafferana town where the frontal portion is located at 520 m a.s.l.
S flank - buried
The lava flow is buried.
9-20 November*
S flank - buried
The lava flow destroyed Pedara village and the surrounding cultivated lands. Ash fall occurred during the eruption north-eastward close to Messina.
6 August- ?*
S flank - buried
The lava flow is buried.
28 June-July?*
E flank
Large scoria cone (Mt Rosso) located at 520 m a.s.l.
Wide lava flow eastward caused damage to the cultivated lands of Acireale reaching a minimum elevation of 240 m a.s.l. Maximum lava flow length is 5.6 km. During the eruption intense ash emission from the summit crater produced ash fall in the south-eastern flank up to Malta.
Rifugio Mt Maletto (rm)
W flank
The lava flow is located in the west flank reaching a minimum elevation of 1460 m a.s.l.
E flank - buried
The lava flow caused damage both to the cultivated areas and the forests of the lower east flank surrounding the Byzantine church of Saint Stephen at Dagala locality. The most distal lava front is located close to Macchia village at 150 m a.s.l.
Montarello (lq)
S flank
Small scoria cone located at 900 m a.s.l.
Short lava flow reached a minimum elevation of 640 m a.s.l. Maximum lava flow length is 3.0 km.
Mt Nero degli Zappini (za)
SW flank
Eruptive fissure, oriented NNE-SSW, formed by spatter ramparts and by the scoria cone of Mt Nero degli Zappini located between 1800 m and 2000 m a.s.l.
The lava flow reached a minimum elevation of 1325 m a.s.l. Maximum lava flow length is 3.7 km.
N14 tephra
1290-1460 AD#
Alternation of coarse and fine ash beds.
Casa Costarelli (tl)
S flank
Eruptive fissure, oriented NNE-SSW, formed by spatter ramparts located between 1910 m and 1990 m a.s.l.
The lava flow located at Piano Vetore locality in the south flank is almost buried.
Mt Forno (of)
W flank
Eruptive fissure, NE-SW oriented, located at 1550 m a.s.l. constituted by a large scoria cone (Mt Forno).
Long lava flow reached a minimum elevation of 510 m close to Adrano. Explosive activity produced a pyroclastic fall deposit around the vent. Maximum lava flow length is 9.2 km.
Linguaglossa (li)
NE flank
Eruptive fissure composed by small spatter ramparts subdivided in two segments, both NE-SW oriented, and located at 1160-1380 m a.s.l.
Long lava flow reached the minimum elevation of 475 m a.s.l. at Linguaglossa. Maximum lava flow length is 8.7 km.
Mt Arsi di S. Maria (sm)
S flank
Eruptive fissure formed by two segments, NNW-SSE oriented, located between 460 m and 360 m a.s.l. formed by spatter ramparts.
Long lava flow reached the coast at Guardia and Ognina localities. Maximum lava flow length is 8.5 km.
Mt Arso ovest (ar)
W flank
Eruptive fissure formed by a small scoria cone at 1450 m a.s.l. (Mt Arso).
Large lava flow reached the minimum elevation of 1140 m a.s.l.. Maximum lava flow length is 3.5 km.
Galvarina (gl)
W flank - buried
Small lava flow reached the minimum elevation of 1640 m a.s.l.
Mt Gallo (lw)
W flank
Eruptive fissure, ENE-WSW oriented, located between 1500 m and 1600 m a.s.l. formed by Mt Testa and Mt Gallo scoria cones.
Wide and long lava flow reached the minimum elevation of 400 m a.s.l. close to Adrano. Maximum lava flow length 9.9 km.
Mt Ilice (mi)
E flank
Eruptive fissure formed by the huge scoria cone of Mt Ilice located at 700 m a.s.l..
Wide and long lava field reached the Ionian coast between Pozzillo and Stazzo villages. Maximum lava flow length is 10.2 km.
Scorciavacca (sr)
NE flank
Eruptive fissure, E-W oriented, formed by spatter ramparts, located at 850-900 m a.s.l.
Wide lava flow reached a minimum elevation of 80 m a.s.l. Maximum lava flow length is 5.4 km.
Mt Sona (oh)
SW flank
Eruptive fissure, NNE-SSW oriented, formed by spatter ramparts located at 1250 m a.s.l. in the Mt Sona southern slope.
Long lava flow reached a minimum elevation of 275 m a.s.l. close to Paternò town. Maximum lava flow length is 11.4 km.
Mt Rinatu (ri) N13 tephra
NE flank
Eruptive fissure is formed by a large scoria cone (Mt Rinatu) located at 1600 m a.s.l. and by spatter rampart in the inner northern wall of Valle del Bove
Short lava flow located along the Torrente Pietracannone gully reaching a minimum elevation of 1000 m a.s.l.. Maximum lava flow length is 3.7 km. The eruption also produced a poorly sorted scoria fall deposit.
Murazzo Rotto (vt)
NW flank
Eruptive fissure, NNW-SSE oriented, formed by a small scoria cone at 1550 m a.s.l. and by spatter rampart at 1450 m a.s.l.
Wide and long lava flow reaching the Alcantara river close to Randazzo that produced a main lava dam of the river and the formation of Gurrida quagmire. Maximum lava flow length is 9.5 km.
Serra del Monte (el)
NW flank - buried
Lava flow reached a minimum elevation of 1200 m a.s.l. uphill of Maletto.
Casa Scandurra (sy)
SE flank
Eruptive fissure formed small spatter ramparts located at 1800 m a.s.l. in the southern slope of the Valle del Bove.
Long lava flow almost covered reached a minimum elevation of 700 m a.s.l. close to Fleri.
Millicucco (ml)
NE flank - Buried
Wide lava flow partially covered reaching a minimum elevation of 450 m a.s.l. uphill of Piedimonte.
Gallinara (gx)
S flank - Buried
Lava flow almost covered reached a minimum elevation of 750 m a.s.l. close to Nicolosi
Primoti (ix)
SE flank - Buried
Lava flow almost covered reached a minimum elevation of 350 m a.s.l. close to Santa Venerina
N12 tephra
660-900 AD#
Poorly sorted, reversed graded scoria fall deposit
Mt Solfizio (fs)
SE flank
Eruptive fissure formed by a small scoria cone (Mt Solfizio) located at 1800 m a.s.l. in the southern slope of the Valle del Bove.
Long lava flow reached a minimum elevation of 300 m a.s.l. close to Linera. Maximum lava flow length is 10.3 km.
Due Monti (dm)
NE flank - Buried
Wide lava flow partially covered reaching a minimum elevation of 460 m a.s.l. uphill of Piedimonte.
Fossa della Nave (ty)
S flank
Eruptive fissure formed by small coalescent scoria cones, located at 1650-1700 m a.s.l, covered by the 1983 lava flow.
Short lava flow southward almost covered uphill Mt Manfrè.
Bronte (nt)
W flank - Buried
Lava flow almost covered, reaching the Simeto riverbed close to Bronte town.
P.zza S. Alfio (io)
S flank - Buried
Lava flow field partially covered reaching the minimum elevation of 450 m close to Trecastagni.
S. G. La Punta (sq)
S flank - Buried
Wide lava flow partially covered reaching a minimum elevation of 310 m a.s.l. between San G. La Punta and Aci S. Antonio.
Albero Bianco (ab)
W flank - Buried
Lava flow almost covered reaching the minimum elevation of 1590 m a.s.l.
Monpeloso (mp)
S flank
Eruptive fissure, N-S oriented, formed by the large scoria cone of Monpeloso, located at 850 m a.s.l., and by spatter ramparts at 750-800 m a.s.l.
Lava flow reaching a minimum elevation of 430 m a.s.l. between Mascalucia and Tremestieri. Maximum lava flow length is 6.0 km.
Rifugio Mt Palestra (fp)
W flank
Eruptive fissure, E-W oriented, composed by hornitos located at 1950 m a.s.l. on the Mt Palestra slope.
Short lava flow reaching a minimum elevation of 1390 m a.s.l. Maximum lava flow length is 4.1 km.
100 AD^
200 BC^ ±200
E flank - Buried
Lava flow almost totally covered.
Mt Rifugio Galvarina (rg)
250 AD – 160 BC°
W flank
Eruptive fissure, ENE-WSW oriented, constituted by several spatter ramparts located at 1900 m a.s.l..
Short lava flow partially covered reaching a minimum elevation of 1470 m a.s.l..
Piano delle Ginestre (gi)
250 AD – 160 BC°
W flank - Buried
Lava flow partially covered reaching a minimum elevation of 740 m a.s.l.
Cisterna (nr)
250 AD – 160 BC°
W flank - Buried
Lava flow partially covered reaching a minimum elevation of 1160 m a.s.l.
Vipera (rr)
250 AD – 160 BC°
W flank - Buried
Short lava flow partially covered reaching a minimum elevation of 1310 m a.s.l.
Bocche Vituddi (bv)
250 AD – 160 BC°
W flank
Eruptive fissure, NE-SW oriented, located at 1000 m a.s.l. formed by a small scoria cone.
Short lava flow reaching a minimum elevation of 1270 m a.s.l. Maximum lava flow length is 4.6 km.
Poggio la Caccia (pc)
250 AD – 160 BC°
W flank
Eruptive fissure, E-W oriented, composed by a scoria cone located at 1900 m a.s.l.
Wide lava flow partially covered.
N11 tephra
<10 BC-380 AD#
Summit Crater
Coarse scoria lapilli fall dispersed SE.
FV tephra
10 BC-380 AD#
Summit Crater
Subplinian eruption produced a coarse, lapilli scoria fall deposit with the main dispersal toward ESE.
FF tephra
44 BC*
Summit Crater
Sub-Plinian eruption produced a fine lapilli and ash fall deposit on NNE flank.
FG tephra
122 BC***
Summit Crater
Plinian eruption that formed the Cratere del Piano summit caldera. Lapilli fell on the SSE flank as far as Catania, and ash fall occurred at Priolo (SR). Cryptotephra layer recovered in marine cores on the Malta Plateau (Mediterranean Sea). Huge damage to cultivated lands and villages on Etna flanks. Damage in Catania was so extensive, that the population was exempted for 10 years from paying taxes. Pyroclastic flows affected the S flank. Volume of the deposits on land 0.42 km3, 1 km3 considering fallout deposit up to Malta.
S12 tephra
<150 BC^ ±200
Scoria fall deposit composed of black, fine lapilli exposed only at Mt Salto del Cane outcrop.
N10 tephra
<122 BC#
Poorly sorted scoria fall, recorded in few sections and probably produced from an eruption of a lateral scoria cone.
N9 tephra
<122 BC#
Summit Crater
Scoria fall deposit, normally graded and dispersed eastward.
Mt Salto del Cane (sd)
S11 tephra
150 BC^ ±200
S flank
Eruptive fissure, N-S oriented, located at 1400 m a.s.l. formed by the scoria cone of Mt Salto del Cane.
Wide and long lava flow reaching a minimum elevation of 280 m a.s.l. close to S. Maria la Stella. Maximum lava flow length is 11.7 km. Scoria fall deposit dispersed SE.
Mt Minardo (mm)
160 BC° +190-170
W flankEruptive fissure, NE-SW oriented, located at 1100 m a.s.l. composed by the huge scoria cone of Mt Minardo.
Wide and long lava flow reaching the Simeto river that produced a main lava dam of the river. Maximum lava flow length is 9.0 km. Explosive activity produced a pyroclastic fall deposit around the vent.
Monpilieri (ir)
200 BC^ ±200
S flankEruptive fissure formed by the large scoria cone of Mompilieri located at 550-600 m a.s.l.
Lava flow partially covered reaching a minimum elevation of 300 m a.s.l. close to Gravina di Catania. Maximum lava flow length is 5.9 km
Mt Ruvolo (rv)
240 BC°+350-310
W flankEruptive fissure, E-W oriented, constituted by the huge scoria cone of Mt Ruvolo located at 1350 m a.s.l..
Wide and long lava flow reaching the Simeto river. Maximum lava flow length is 9.1 km.
Cardillo (ll)
420 BC° +370-320
N flank
Eruptive fissure formed by a large scoria cone located E of Mt Spagnolo, at 1450 m a.s.l.
Wide lava flow reaching a minimum elevation of 740 m a.s.l. close to Randazzo. Maximum lava flow length is 5.8 km
Mt Gorna (mg)
≈500 BC^
1520-120 BC§§
S flank
Eruptive fissure formed by the large scoria cone of Mt Gorna located at 700 m a.s.l.
Wide and long lava flow reaching the coast between Stazzo and S. Tecla. Maximum lava flow length is 10 km.
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Guidoboni E, Ciuccareli C, Mariotti D, Comastri A, Bianchi GB (2014) L’Etna nella Storia. In: Catalogo delle eruzioni dall’antichità alla fine del XVII secolo. Bononia University Press, Bologna.
Magli A, Speranza F, Branca S, Corsaro RA, Coltelli M, Malaguti AB, Giordano G (2024) Testing paleomagnetic dating on pre‐historic flank eruptions from SE slope of Etna Volcano. Journal of Geophysical Research: SolidEarth, 129, e2023JB028314.
Micallef A, Georgiopouloub A, Mountjoy J, Huvenne VAI, Lo Iacono C, Le Bas T, Del Carlo P, Cunarro Otero D (2016) Outer shelf seafloor geomorphology along a carbonate escarpment: The eastern Malta Plateau, Mediterranean Sea, Continental Shelf Research, 131, 12-27,
Tanguy JC, Condomines M, Branca S, La Delfa S, Coltelli M (2012) New archeomagnetic and 226Ra-230Th dating of recent lavas for the Geological map of Etna volcano. Ital. J. Geosci., 131 (2), 241-257.
Speranza F, Branca S, Coltelli M, D’Ajello Caracciolo F, Vigliotti L (2006) How accurate is “paleomagnetic dating”? New evidence from historical lavas from Mt Etna. J. Geoph. Res., 111, B12S33,
Branca S., Del Carlo P., Behncke B., Bonfanti P. (2024) Database of Etna’s historical eruptions. INGV Ufficio Dati,